Ladies, NOT happy with this product. I’m a faithful deep conditioner. I was used to these products when I was relaxed but i never thought twice about the results on my natural hair. When I first applied this product I didn’t like it because it felt greasy on my ends but I decided to continue since it was already slathered over my hair. Typically, I deep condition with a shower cap for about an hour. At some point of time I felt my hair through the cap to make sure it was a little heated by my body heat. My curls felt a bit loose. I didn’t freak because in my mind deep conditioning products are good for you, not bad. OMG when I took this cap off to wash my tresses out my curl pattern looked loose. I wash everything out and freaked. I’m not the most curly hair type but when my hair is engrossed with water my curls definitely throw a parade.
I FREAKED! My hair felt so dry like a soft Brillo pad. The strands of my hair were visibly thinner. I have thick hair. I was admiring the texture only an hour ago as I washed with Mane n Tail shampoo. All I kept thinking was I’m already having a set back so soon in my Journey. I’m thinking the packet says to leave in for 10 - 20 minutes but I’ve never had a problem before leaving in longer. But then again, I probably didn’t notice and basked in the glory of straightness. What kind of product thins the strands of hair? I’m going to write an angry letter to research the ingredients in this Palmer's protein pak and if I find any kind of evidence certain ingredients catering to straightening products, they’re are going to hear from me.
Generally I deep condition all natural (Mayonnaise, eggs, honey, cinnamon, yogurt, I’ll give recipes in another post.) I picked Palmer's up at Walmart for $1.59 to review (womp womp).
I ran to Kroger supermarket at 11:30pm for some eggs. I washed again with my product ridding but moisture retaining Mane and Tail Shampoo then deep conditioned properly for an hour 45 minutes. I did get some curl definition back but nothing I’m used to. My strands still feel thinner but not as dry. In attempt to restore my hair I will deep condition twice a week. I will continue to trim more than often to combat breakage if my tresses remain this thin. Pray for me. Good thing I have a TWA because I would be totally pissed if I had more than 4 inches of damage but I’ll remain with a positive attitude.
Let’s recap my experience. Some what oily at application, Dry, visibly thinner strands afterwards, looser curl pattern - from curly to wavy, and brillo-ish type feel.
Palmer’s Protein Pak gets a thumbs down and finger up from me.
The results
What I'm used to achieving
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How I fixed it after I re-deep conditioned. |
Coils! |
A ray of sunshine through cloudy weather, I could not achieve a flat coil set before.
Blessings, Natural Bombshell
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